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Theatre illuminates the truth in the human condition. As a director, it is my responsibility to present these truths authentically. Above all, it is my responsibility to make theatre that we can relate to, creating moments of recognition or inquiry where we say, “I understand that!” or, “I want to understand that!” In doing so, theatre causes us to rediscover the familiar in new ways or to view the world through a different lens, fostering a deeper understanding of our connection to our self, our friends and family, and our local and global community.

Philosophy: Welcome
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Arts education plays a pivotal role in developing a strong sense of self through artistic inquiry, risk, and creation. Arts education invites us to process life experiences through the act of creation. Requiring inquiry into ourselves and the world around us, arts education offers the tools to confidently voice our questions. We become risk takers as we explore our questions through the artistic process, vulnerably claiming, developing, and sharing our unique perspective. Whether through poetry, paint, theatre, or Bachata, I believe art education creates space for us to process the world in our own unique way with our own strong individual voice.

Philosophy: Welcome
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